Membership Benefits
The BCSA organises a variety of events with Czech and Slovak themes, often with a British connection.
See our Recent BCSA Events page for the range of topics covered.
They are usually held at either the Czech or Slovak Embassies in Notting Hill Gate followed by refreshments or they can be watched live online.
Prior registration is essential, free for members.
Full recordings are available on You Tube.
British Czech and Slovak Review
Exclusively produced for members of the BCSA, the Review is an established magazine that keeps abreast of developments in British, Czech and Slovak relations, the sort of coverage that rarely features in the mainstream UK media. Members receive six issues each year, free of charge.

Annual Dinner and Summer Party
Our two main social and fund-raising events are the annual dinner held in November and an informal summer party. Members can buy tickets at a preferential rate.
“Get to know you”
You are always welcome at our monthly social evenings – an opportunity for BCSA members, supporters and friends to meet. These are held at Bohemia House in West Hampstead.
Membership rates
- £33 individuals
- £19 full-time students
- £45 families (at same address, 1 Review)
- £40 non-UK residents
- £55 non-profit organisations (2 tickets, 1 Review)
- £85 corporate bodies (2 tickets, 1 Review)