See what’s coming up on on the BCSA’s Events Calendar.

Was a Slovak ever the king of Madagascar?

Slovak Embassy 25 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, United Kingdom

Moric Benovsky was an 18th century adventurer born in Vrbové in what is now Slovakia where he is considered a national hero, as well as in Hungary and Poland. In his Memoirs (published posthumously in 1790 in London) he claims to have been elected king of Madagascar. A street in the capital is still named... Read more »

BCSA Annual General Meeting

Czech Embassy 26-30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

The AGM is open to current subscription BCSA members only. The agenda will include the chairman and treasurer’s reports for 2019 and the election of officers and members of the executive committee. Refreshments and entertainment will follow. Please register your attendance (or apologies for absence) by email to by 26 February.

The story of Czech beer as told by Zdeněk Kudr

Czech Embassy 26-30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

It is an understatement to say that the Czech Republic has a strong beer culture. Famous for being the birthplace of pilsner, the Czechs drink more beer than anywhere else in the world. Brewing methods remained traditional until the fall of communism after which most of the larger breweries were bought by overseas companies who... Read more »

BCSA “Get to Know You” Social Evening

Czech and Slovak National House 74 West End Lane, London, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity for anyone interested in the British Czech and Slovak Association (members, supporters and friends) to meet, eat, drink, chat (maybe practise your Czech or Slovak) and get to know each other in a relaxed and informal setting. Anybody with Czech or Slovak connections or interests is welcome Join us and have a fun evening... Read more »

Chodník cez Dunaj ( A path across the Danube)

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

A tragic story depicting two young friends (one Slovak, the other Czech) in the period after the wartime Slovak State and Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia came into existence. An employee of the Slovak railway company, Viktor Lesa, a Slovak, regularly delivers post to the railway station in the border town of Ludendorf . With... Read more »

Covid-19 conditions and Brexit

Zoom online webinar Nick Archer, British Ambassador to the Czech Republic, shared his perspective on living through and adapting to Covid-19 conditions. The event concluded with a Q&A session. He felt that Prague was a very good place to be, especially as the Embassy and residence has a large garden. Its location in Malá Strana... Read more »

Ambassador Nigel Baker webinar

Circumstances prevent us from holding our special 30th anniversary dinner this year but you can meet our keynote speaker from the comfort of your home on Zoom. It also offers an opportunity to say a fond farewell to L’ubomir Rehák, the Slovak Ambassador, who is leaving his post in London for Moscow and to welcome... Read more »

The Czech Lands through the eyes of Dan Cruickshank

Dan Cruickshank, a well-known television art and architecture historian, will share his impressions of the Czech Lands online via Zoom. Dan's  travels have taken him to the Czech Lands where he filmed two of his television broadcasts. It might have been his friendship with Jan Kaplický, as well as with Eva Jiřičná, that inspired his... Read more »

The Black Death in Bohemia: a medieval pandemic

A Zoom lecture by Dr Mark Whelan. The coming of the Black Death to Europe was a defining epidemiological event, killing anywhere between twenty-five and eighty percent of the continent’s population in the years 1347-1351. With Covid-19 sweeping the globe, interest in past pandemics and the historical comparisons they may provide has never been higher.... Read more »

Czech protest music past & present

An online Zoom talk by Daniel Majer about the political role Czech protest music has played in Czech and Slovak history from the Austro-Hungarian empire until today. Following the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, Karel Kryl composed ‘Bratříčku, zavírej vrátka’ (Keep the gates closed, little brother) as his reaction to the occupation. In... Read more »

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