See what’s coming up on on the BCSA’s Events Calendar.

“Get to know you” social evening

Bohemia House 74 West End Lane, London, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity for anyone interested in the British Czech and Slovak Association (members, supporters and friends) to meet, eat, drink, chat (maybe practise your Czech or Slovak) and get to know each other in a relaxed and informal setting. Everyone interested in Czech and/or Slovak matters is most welcome to join us. We... Read more »

Prague 22 tram journey through the city

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

Join Raymond Tallis on this illustrated memoir of a daily journey on tram number 22 that links his flat in Vršovice and Prague Castle. Explore with him his observations encompassing the magic, culture and history as well as the tragedy of Prague, interwoven by his philosophical but also humorous reflections, and meet en route a... Read more »

The 1938 Runciman Mission to Prague

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

As Europe faces yet another major crisis only 80 years after World War Two and confronts the threat of war while latter-day dictators set the terms of peace in Ukraine, it is timely to revisit the role and aim of the Runciman Mission to Prague from 3 August to 16 September 1938. The context then... Read more »

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