See what’s coming up on on the BCSA’s Events Calendar.

Bedřich Smetana Má vlast (My Country)

National Museum Prague Václavské náměstí 68, Prague, Czech Republic

The Bedřich Smetana Má vlast (My Country) exhibition at the National Museum in Prague commemorates the personality of Bedřich Smetana and one of his most important compositions. Through authentic notes, correspondence and, above all, scores, it presents the individual symphonic poems as the composer himself conceived them, the historical context in which they were composed... Read more »

Josef Koudelka Ruins

Museum of Decorative Arts, 17 listopadu 2, Prague 1 17 listopadu 2, Prague 1, Czech Republic

The photographs of Josef Koudelka’s latest series were made over many years, from 1991 to 2017, at more than 200 archaeological sites in the Mediterranean, including Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. To accompany the exhibition, a Czech-English volume is... Read more »

“Hello Citizens!” („Ahoj občani!”)

Dům U Zlatého prstenu Týnská 630/6, Prague, Czech Republic

„Ahoj občani!" ("Hello, citizens!") was how Karel Kryl greeted the audience after his emotional return to Czechoslovakia from exile in December 1989. An exhibition celebrating the legendary protest singer Karel Kryl marks two important anniversaries: the 80th anniversary of his birth and 30 years since his death. It offers an intimate look into his life... Read more »

A Life in Bat’a Modernism

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

Sir John Tusa, born in Zlín, Moravia, talks about the influence of Modernist architecture on his life with some 50 slides of Zlín and Tilbury, including historic videos of East Tilbury and Coronation Day celebrations. Two days before the German occupation of Czechoslovakia on 15 March 1939, John’s father flew out of Czechoslovakia on a... Read more »

“Get to know you” social evening

Bohemia House 74 West End Lane, London, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity for anyone interested in the British Czech and Slovak Association (members, supporters and friends) to meet, eat, drink, chat (maybe practise your Czech or Slovak) and get to know each other in a relaxed and informal setting. Everyone interested in Czech and/or Slovak matters is most welcome to join us. We... Read more »

Prague 22 tram journey through the city

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

Join Raymond Tallis on this illustrated memoir of a daily journey on tram number 22 that links his flat in Vršovice and Prague Castle. Explore with him his observations encompassing the magic, culture and history as well as the tragedy of Prague, interwoven by his philosophical but also humorous reflections, and meet en route a... Read more »

Pioneers of Czech Graphic Design

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

The history of both Czech and global graphic design would be incomplete without the ground breaking contributions of Czech artists whose work transcended borders and shaped visual culture worldwide. This event explores the lasting impact of Alphonse Mucha, Karel Teige, Ladislav Sutnar, and Miroslav Šašek—visionaries whose innovations continue to inspire designers today. Mucha, the pre-eminent exponent... Read more »

Janáček: Excursions of Mr Brouček

Barbican Centre Silk Street, London, United Kingdom

The ‘hero’ of Janáček’s 1920 satire is the sausage- and beer-guzzling Brouček, a complacent, commitment-averse landlord. Over two acts he travels to both the moon and the fifteenth century. Thinking the grass will be greener both times, Brouček finds himself out of step with the communities he encounters, almost fatally so at one point. He ends... Read more »

Iva Bittová & JeFis Duo

Singer and violinist Iva Bittová in a joint concert with JeFis Duo (violinist Pavel Fischer and accordionist Jakub Jedlinsky). A captivating world music combining influences of Moravian, Balkan, Jewish, Irish and Roma music. The work of the duo Jedlinský - Fischer combines traditional ethnic music with elements of classical, jazz and free improvisation. It is... Read more »

The 1938 Runciman Mission to Prague

Czech Embassy cinema 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London

As Europe faces yet another major crisis only 80 years after World War Two and confronts the threat of war while latter-day dictators set the terms of peace in Ukraine, it is timely to revisit the role and aim of the Runciman Mission to Prague from 3 August to 16 September 1938. The context then... Read more »

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