See what’s coming up on on the BCSA’s Events Calendar.
As contemporary politics drift closer to totalitarianism, historiography from scholars and thinkers who have experienced twentieth-century totalitarian regimes is more important than ever. A professor of legal philosophy Jiri Priban and Pavel Seifter, historian and former Czech Ambassador to the UK, search for the roots of contemporary problems in our past, examining how we navigate history among the shifting tides of our national identity and what statehood and democracy mean 30 years after the fall of communism.
Chaired by Sir John Tusa and touching upon the subjects of sovereignty, freedom, fear, and faith, this promises to be a spirited discussion launching the English edition of Jiri Priban’s and Karel Hvizdala’s book In Quest of History; On Czech Statehood and Identity, Karolinum Press, October 2019
Tickets: £5 + booking fee, see Eventbrite link below
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