The formal AGM is open to all BCSA subscription members. Entertainment, open to everyone, will be provided following its conclusion.
The AGM will elect the three Honorary Officers of the Association – the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Honorary Secretary. These posts are held for one year and are subject to election at every AGM. The current Chairman, Ladislav Hornan, as well as the remaining Honorary Officers, namely Ruzena Holub and Blanka Shrimpton respectively, are willing to stand for re-election. Douglas Gibb, serving as the BCSA Treasurer, is standing down from his post on the committee.
The committee members due to retire by rotation and eligible for re-election this year, namely Edward Peacock and Angela Spindler-Brown, are ready to stand for re-election for a further term of three years. Jana Buresova, Jana Nahodilova and Jozef Polom are ready to be elected as new committee members for a term of two years.
Any subscription member of the BCSA can be nominated for the post of an Honorary Officer and/or a committee member. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Blanka Shrimpton, e-mail: bcsa@bcsa.co.uk and returned to her by 14th March 2023.
Please register your attendance at the AGM, or apologies for absence, to bcsa@bcsa.co.uk