Winners of the BCSA second art competition ‘discovering a new country’
43 children from the Czech and Slovak community in the UK took part. The competition was inspired by Karel Čapek’s Letters from England published 100 years ago. Some children created book covers, some took a journey through England with Karel Čapek. Many were inspired by the travelogue and set out on their own journeys, depicting feelings and experiences from their own or others’ travels. All the children had imaginative pictures and the selection of the winners was really very difficult.
The judges were the cultural attaché of the Slovak Republic Klaudia Volnerová, the cultural attaché of the Czech Republic Michal Žižlavský and art student Eliška Němcová.
We would like to thank the sponsors of the competition Dr. Jan Telenský who donated £100 to the winner of each category and Angela Spindler-Brown who donated book prizes for the runners-up.
Many congratulations not only to the winners but to all the children who took part. We look forward to receiving entries for the BCSA competition next year!
Category 5-6 years

Category 7-8 years

Category 9-10 years

Category 11-12 years

Category 13-14 years

Category 15-16 years